Inspire's 2023 Staff Kick Off!

On Monday 31st January, Inspire hosted first conference of 2023 - Staff Kick Off!

Every year Inspire hosts two staff conferences, to gather our team together and prepare for the term ahead. These conferences are an excellent opportunity for growth, staff training and for brainstorming how to continue to make Inspire the best it can be!

During this Staff Kick Off, our main focus was on bus pick up and the preparations necessary to allow a smooth transition for all of our new Kindy children into after school care. We also spent some time developing strategies for engagement, and brushing up on our training topics!

At Inspire we take team culture seriously, and we love having these opportunities to come together, build teamwork and have fun! We also use these conferences as an opportunity to recognise the work and effort that our team puts in to Inspire, we are incredibly proud of and grateful for our hardworking team, we wouldn’t be Inspire without them!